Dpto. Arquitectura de Computadores
ETSI Informática
Universidad de Málaga
- Supercomputación
Breve CV
Angeles G. Navarro is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Architecture at the University of Malaga (UMA) since 2019. She has been a Research Visiting Scholar in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the EPCC at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Bristol, and a Research Visitor in IBM T.J. Watson Research Center at New York and Cray at Seattle. She is the co-lider of the Parallel Programming Models and Compilers group at the UMA. She is the author or co-author of more than 90 papers and has served as a program committee member for several High Performance Computing related conferences.
Dr. Navarro has been involved in many initiatives to promote women in Computer Science. She is the co-founder of WSARTECO (Women in SARTECO), a community part of the Spanish Computer Architecture Scientific Society that encourages junior and senior women working in the area, which helps to increase visibility for their contributions and to develop a strong community. She also has organized a Technological Campus for Girls in the Computer Science School at the UMA, which has as goals the increment in the number of vocations in Computer Science studies among young girls, and also a change in the perception of computer science to discard gender stereotypes associated to those studies.